Minutes of the March 4, 2024 Meeting
Download the minutes of the March 4, 2024 meeting…
Minutes of the February 5, 2024 Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the Plymouth Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Chairman James Murphy. Supervisors, Joseph Yudichak and Thomas Kachurak; and Secretary/Treasurer, Steven Grzymski, were also present. Solicitor, Eugene Kelley was absent.
January Meeting Minutes: Since the minutes were posted for inspection prior to the meeting,it was moved by Mr. Yudichak, seconded by Mr. Kachurak, to dispense with the reading and to accept the minutes as presented from the meeting on January 2, 2024. Motion passed 3-0.
Bill List: Since it was posted for inspection prior to the meeting,it was moved by Mr. Yudichak, seconded by Mr. Kachurak, to dispense with the reading of the bill list and to accept it as presented. Motion passed 3-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Since it was posted for inspection prior to the meeting, it was moved by Mr. Yudichak, seconded by Mr. Kachurak, to dispense with the reading of the treasurer’s report and accept it as presented. Motion passed 3-0.
Code Enforcement Officer: No formal report, however, Mr. Murphy did report that the solicitor recently sent a certified Notice of Violation letter to the resident on Cool Street with the property maintenance/building code issues.
Zoning Officer: No report.
Fire Companies: Mr. Mark Boncal, City of Nanticoke Fire Chief, informed the Supervisors that the new hydrant at the intersection of West Main Street and Mooney Road should be installed during the month of February. Mr. Boncal relayed that the need for the new hydrant came about because there was a fire call in that area recently and he had concerns that the homes at the end of Mooney Road were at the limits of the available hose on the fire apparatus to serve the houses based on where the hydrants are currently located. Finally, Mr. Boncal stated that it is his intention to have the fire hydrants on Mill Street (SR 29) flow tested after the recent project by Pennsylvania American Water.
Road Department: Mr. Vince Wysowski was ill and did not attend the meeting.
Lower South Valley COG: Mr. Murphy reported that the Lower South Valley COG recently held a meeting and that the current and future status of the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge figured prominently.
Storm Water Awareness: Mr. Grzymski said that the road department typically removes leaves and debris from catch basins throughout the township to alleviate ponding during each month.
Engineer’s Report: No report.
Sewer Collection: Mr. Grzymski: sewer fees collected in January 2024: $8,401.87.
Solicitor’s Report: No report, Mr. Kelley was not present.
Old Business: No old business was brought before the Board.
New Business: No new business was brought before the Board.
Public Comment: Kathleen Handley, West Mountain Road, inquired if the uncertainty regarding the ambulance service contract in Nanticoke would affect Plymouth Township residents. Mr. Boncal replied that the Nanticoke City Council is expected to vote on the contract at its February 7th meeting but regardless of which company is chosen, response times would not affect Plymouth Township.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Mr. Yudichak, seconded by Mr. Kachurak, to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 P.M. Motion passed 3-0.
January 2, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Download the January 2, 2024 Meeting Minutes…